Independent Directions to this Site: From Highway 417 (The Queensway) take exit 142 (Palladium Drive). If travelling west, the 0.4 km offramp dumps you right or north onto Palladium. If driving east, a 0.3 km offramp brings you to Palladium, where you will turn left or northwest onto it and in 0.5 km join the westbound offramp traffic. Both groups will now follow Palladium around to the northeast 1.0 km to Huntmar Drive. Turn left or northwest onto Huntmar and go 1.2 km to Richardson Side Road. Turn right or northeast on it and park near the corner.
Dunrobin & Carp Ridges Route Directions: From the bridge on Huntmar Drive, proceed 2.6 km southeast to the Richardson Side Road and turn left or northeast onto it. Park near the corner.
Google Satellite Map of Richardson Side Road Area
Site Description and Birding Information: Scan the fields around this corner, both the rare Northern Mockingbird and the rare and declining (in our area) Loggerhead Shrike have been seen here.
Follow Richardson Side Road northeast 0.6 km to the Carp River crossing. Scan again from here for Loggerhead Shrike and during spring flooding for migrant waterfowl.
Proceed a further 0.8 km northeast on Richardson Side Road to what was once First Line Road (opposite Terry Fox Drive). The woods here are good for spring migrants and, at night, owling. Great Horned, Barred, Saw-whet and Eastern Screech Owls can be heard here. Walking northwest on the old roadway, you can reach the Marathon Trail System in just less than a kilometre. The area to the east of the old First Line Road is being "developed" and will likely be lost to birding opportunities soon.
Dunrobin & Carp Ridges Route Directions: This is the last site on this loop tour. To return to the Queensway (Hwy. 417), drive 0.7 km northeast on Richardson Side Road to complete the loop at Goulbourn Forced Road. From here, proceed straight or northeast along Castlefrank Road (which Richardson Side Road becomes here) and wind 1.6 km, generally southward, along Castlefrank Road to Campeau Drive. Turn right or SSW onto Campeau Drive and go 0.3 km to a sharp left hand turn at Terry Fox Drive. Take the left turn and proceed southeast along Terry Fox 0.8 km, taking the first left after passing over Hwy. 417. This is the on ramp for the 417 headed to Ottawa.