LARRY E. NEILY                
3rd Floor, Section C5, Jean Talon Building, Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0T6
Phone: 613-951-6330
E-mail: or


2010 - 2011: Postal Code Project Production Manager – Geography Division - Statistics Canada

The Postal Code program improves, creates, and maintains links between postal codes and geographic areas using data collected from administrative sources such as Canada Post Corporation as well as statistical sources such as the Census of Population. It includes the related geocoding and mapping work, update and maintenance of postal code systems as well as dissemination of postal code products from Geography Division.  It is a highly productive environment and gives hands-on experience in production activities and related policies and procedures.


• Generate monthly internal Postal Code Conversion File (PCCF) with Oracle-based system;

• Generate bi-annual files for external release of PCCF and Postal Code Federal Riding File (PCFRF) with Reference Guides;

• Respond to ad-hoc requests for information, validation, etc. from GEO-Help using MSAccess, SQL, SAS;

• Participate in geocoding activities, database maintenance (make corrections to postal code database) and quality control;

• Participate in user evaluation and testing for Postal Code Update System (PCUS) modules;

• Supply, monitor, process and evaluate geocoding work for Operations and Integration Division (OID) staff (3 coders);

• Update PCUS production user guide;

• Maintain production tracking sheet to ensure that all steps in the process are completed.  Stats are maintained in the tracking sheet;

• Provide input to the design of an automated method for the manual geocoding system in conjunction with the Informatics resource;

• Ensure production and requests are completed with quality and timeliness – measured by clearly written objectives, process and project documentation;

• Participate in the weekly meeting of the Postal Code team and share all relevant information.


As production manager, I was responsible for overseeing the production and dissemination of the following products:

• Monthly Postal Code file to internal users;

• Biannual external release of PCCF and PCFRF files with Reference Guides and production schedule required.


1998 - 2010: Remote Sensing & Geospatial Analysis - Agriculture Division - Statistics Canada

• Using GIS and databases, produced a series of livestock maps for the CFIA in 2010.
• Part of the RSGA remote sensing/
GIS team working on the 2006 crop mapping in both PEI and Eastern Ontario. Helped in project planning, ground-truthing (using ArcPad and GPS systems), and field boundary delineation (using satellite imagery and GIS systems).
• Using
GIS and databases, produced updated tables of pesticide field trials per crop and county-based crop maps based on the US 2006 Census of Agriculture for the PMRA in Canada and on the US 2002 Census of Agriculture for the US authorities.
• Using
GIS and databases, produced updated tables of pesticide field trials per crop and county-based crop maps based
• Delineation of the Canadian Agricultural Ecumene for 1996, 2001 and 2006, using complex analysis of Census of Agriculture data.
• Developed software using Visual Basic and MapObects to aid in Census of Agriculture's Data Validation procedure and produced a training demo using PowerPoint for program users.
• Used Dreamweaver to help update and create files for RSGA’s web application: Crop Condition Assessment Program (CCAP).
• Used ArcView & ArcGIS to create Census Reference Maps for Agriculture Division.
• Used ArcView & ArcGIS to provide agricultural data for watershed areas and eco-regions for Agriculture Division clients.
• Used ArcView, ArcGIS and PCI image analysis software in various other mapping and analysis projects.


1996 - 1998: Census of Agriculture (CEAG) - Agriculture Division - Statistics Canada

• Designed and formatted output publications for 1996 CEAG data using Adobe PageMaker.
• Created an intranet web site for the Imaging 2001 group.
• Operated Kodak Imagelink Scanner and associated FileNet & Oracle Data Base software for CEAG forms.
• Showed leadership with major contribution to the efficiency and success of the scanning operation.
• Participated on the Imaging 2001 team researching Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR).
• Reviewed 1996 CEAG forms and scanned images for quality control and potential ICR problems.
• Wrote reports on the scanning operation and ICR problems (used MS Word, MS Excel, & Lotus
• Participated in questionnaire design using Quark Xpress.
• Supervised and trained others for an Edit Sample Study.
• Knowledge of WordPerfect,
DCS, Middle System, SAS, Sqlplus, LviewPro, Access, etc., etc.

1994 - 1996: Neily Consulting

• Setup and operated the MEIS II electro-optical sensor in a Twin Otter aircraft.
• Analysed imagery of forestry (MIFUCAM) data.

1988 - 1994: Innotech Aviation Limited

• Provided A to Z flow-through of electro-optical data for acquisition programs at Innotech. Developed technical operations manual.
• Produced estimates and developed mission specifications and sensor requirements in liaison with clients.
• Operated MEIS and Daedalus MSS sensors and RC-10 cameras during data acquisition flights.
• Transcribed data to computer compatible tapes.
• Remote sensing analysis of imagery using PCI software (PCI training).
• Integrated imagery and GIS-based information using GPS and flight sensor information to correct airborne imagery.
• Supervised and trained a second sensor operator.
• Missions included the EXXON ‘
Valdez’ oil spill, post Gulf War coastal mapping in Qatar, thermal mapping in Ohio, highly praised dual-channel thermal infrared forest fire mapping efforts in the western USA, & environmental mapping of the St. Lawrence River.
• Platforms used included SGI Power Series Workstations (UNIX) and networked PC’s.

1984 - 1987: F.G. Bercha & Assc. Ltd. (Radarsat Project Office)

Operated ARIES digital image analysis system in co-ordination with remote sensing scientists from agriculture, forestry, geology, ice and oceans disciplines to find applications for radar imagery (alone or mixed with other data sources – including Landsat, airborne imagery or photos, magnetics and gamma ray imagery, etc.).  Enhanced and classified, analysed and evaluated results. Assisted in system software conversion and maintenance, instruction, and general troubleshooting. FORTRAN 4+ programming (i.e. routine to create tapes compatible with the FIRE imaging system).

1983 - 1984: Dept. of Lands and Forests, Nova Scotia - Forestry GIS database production.
           1983: Earth, Air & Oceans Ltd., Oshawa, Ont. - Toronto Harbour sediment study.
1977 - 1980: Tsawwassen Beach Store, B.C. - Owned & operated. Doubled sales in the first year.
1972 - 1976: Canada Post, Kingston, N.S. - Postal clerk.

LANGUAGE: English. French a distant second.


1997 - 2011: Courses Taken

PCI Geomatica + Radar – 2008, ArcInfo 8 – 2001, Mastering Visual Basic 6.0 Fundamentals & Development – 2000, Advanced ArcView GIS – 2000, Survey Design & Analysis – 1999, Building Applications (Excel, Access & SAS) – 1999, French Language Training - 1998-99, Survey Support Certificate Course II – 1998, PowerPoint – 1998, Adobe PageMaker – 1997

1982 - 1983: College of Geographical Sciences, Lawrencetown, N.S.

• Received diploma in Remote Sensing in 1983.  Competence in Arc/Info, ARIES digital image analysis, Calcomp digitizing, darkroom techniques, airphoto interpretation, F77 programming, & visible, thermal, radar & geophysical data analysis.
• Thesis: An Investigation of Landsat Imagery for Peatland Mapping in
Southwestern Nova Scotia. Among the first integration of remote sensing and GIS systems.

1972 - 1973: Annapolis Regional Vocational School, Middleton, N.S.

• Commercial Art, one-year course (90%), Gained experience in various art forms and print media.

1968 - 1971: Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S. - Three years of study in Biology and Psychology.
1962 - 1968: West Kings District High School, Auburn, N.S.


1994 - 2010: Tabitha Foundation (Canada) - Director since 1994, Vice-Chairman 1999, Chairman of Board of Directors 2000-09. This charity runs a major, successful, sustainable aid project in Cambodia that has helped over a half a million of the poorest of the poor.
2000 - 2011: Birding Ottawa Guide -
Publish on the web a comprehensive guide for birding in the Ottawa region. 400 birding sites detailed, plus a variety of aids to birders. Received the 2008 Elizabeth Le Geyt Award - “In recognition of outstanding contribution to public awareness and love of wild birds.”
2005 - 2011: Canadian Listers' Corner - Compile and publish Canadian Listers' Corner magazine, a one issue a year newsletter for Canadian birders who keep track of how many birds they've seen in various geographical and temporal divisions. Also keep a related website.
2000 - 2011: Birding Links Site - Compile and publish a comprehensive listing of birding related website links
2000 - 2011: Remote Sensing, Geomatics and Mapping Links Site - Compile and publish a comprehensive listing of links to these websites, complete with brief description of site.
1986 - 1997 & 2006 - 2011: Birds Committee of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club (OFNC). - This committee deals with birding related issues for the OFNC. Personally operated the telephone information service for birders from 1986 to 1994. Won the 1991 President’s Award - "in recognition of excellent performance in a difficult, political task."
2006 - 2011: Birds Records Sub-committee of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club (OFNC). - This committee reviews rare bird reports for the Eastern Ontario region.


Natural History: Have birded extensively throughout North America (12 provinces and territories plus 47 states and DC) and, on trips, elsewhere. Publish a Birding Ottawa Guide and a Birding Links Site on the web. Point person for Canadian Listers' Corner. Member of the American Birding Association and OFNC. Related interests include wildflowers, butterflies, dragonflies and conservation of natural areas.
Travel as much as possible. Have extensive collection of travel related books, with special emphasis on nature, especially birds. Have extensive map collection.
Member Haiku Canada, published in Canada & Japan.
Team captain on many clubs, including the 1982 2nd place team in Nova Scotia and several 1st place league teams. Have also been league statistician several years.
Books, Religion, History, Art, Photography, Gardening, Finance, Science Fiction, etc.

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Copyright © 2000 - 2010     Larry E. Neily
Last update:  May 2010