Spring: *** Summer: ** Fall: ** Winter: *
Independent Directions to this Site: Going north on Autoroute de la Gatineau or Highway 5 take Exit # 2, the Autoroute 50 east exit. Follow the long, 1.0 km, ramp over Brewery Creek and onto Autoroute 50 headed north. Proceed 22.5 km to exit 159, taking the Rue des Laurentides exit. Follow the 0.3 km exit to it and turn right or south. Go 1.0 km south to Chemin de Montréal Ouest or Highway 148. Turn right or WSW onto it and drive 0.9 km to a single-lane dirt road on the right or south side of the highway, signed for Marais aux Grenouillettes.
Ottawa River East: Quebec Route Directions: From the single lane gravel road to Marais des Laîches East, between 2170 Boulevard Maloney Est and 2130 Chemin de Montréal Ouest, go ENE on Highway 148 for 1.5 km to a single-lane dirt road on the right or south side of the highway, signed for Marais aux Grenouillettes.
MS Virtual Earth Satellite Map of Marais aux Grenouillettes Area
Site Description and Birding Information: Marais aux Grenouillettes is a recent initiative of Quebec Parks and Wildlife, Ducks Unlimited and the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. The dirt road leads, in about 0.5 km, to a parking area at the edge of the marsh. A colony of Sedge Wrens was found on the east side of this short road in 2004 and 2005. A marshy channel, suitable for canoeing, is visible from the north end of the parking area.
To reach the marsh, take the track going east from just north of the parking lot. It bends south to the marsh and eventually the Ottawa River. This track leads past the turtle research grounds where mounds of sand have been placed to attact breeding turtles. Along the trail into the marsh, migrants may be found in the deciduous trees lining it. At the marsh itself, the terrain opens up for exceptional viewing. Marais aux Grenouillettes is on the west side and Lac Carpentier on the east. Black Tern, Common Moorhen, Least Bittern and Marsh Wren are among the breeders. Black-crowned Night-Heron have roosted here in summer. Further exploration could be done by canoe, lauched into the channel from the parking area. The channels are fairly deep and such birds as Green Heron are easy to see this way.
Entrance to Marais aux Grenouillettes
Between Highway 148 and the marsh there are extensive fields. Because of the slope of the terrain, excellent viewing can be had from Highway 148 or the beginning of the dirt road into the marsh. Scan the fields here, in spring, for large flocks of geese. Most are Canada Geese but Snow Goose is regular in small numbers, and Greater White-fronted Goose has been seen (2 on May 1, 1992).
A male Eurasian Wigeon was seen on Lac Carpentier from April 30 to at least May 4, 2003; two males were seen from April 17 to at least April 28, 2004 and one bird was found on April 16, 2005. During the 2004 - 05 "invasion", 9 Great Gray Owls were found here on Feb. 2, 2005. At least three stayed until Feb. 6, 2005. Other rare birds seen here include: Great Egret (June 9, 2005; Apr. 25 - May 11, 2009); Ruff (May 5 to 7, 2009); Willet (May 14, 2011).
View of Channel at Marais aux Grenouillettes
Ottawa River East: Quebec Route Directions: From the single-lane gravel road to Marais aux Grenouillettes, go ENE on Chemin de Montréal Ouest or Highway 148 for 1.5 km to Rue du Ruisseau on the right or south side of the highway opposite number 1123, signed for the next site on this route, the Baie Carpentier and Petite Baie Clément.
Return to Ottawa River East: Quebec.
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