This site is for those interested in the poetry of Marianne Bluger from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It provides a brief biography of this woman poet; descriptions of her published works; excerpts from her books of lyrics, haiku and tanka; and ordering information.
New from Marianne Bluger in 2006
Nearly a year after her death, Nude with Scar (Penumbra Press) has been published. The launch, which was also a remembrance of Marianne; and was held on November 18, 2006 at the Kingsway United Church, Ottawa. The eighty or so attendees, most of whom knew and loved Marianne and/or her work, agreed that it was a party the like of which she would have approved. Plenty of food and refreshments were provided by poet friends, her poetry was read by some of her best friends, and her favourite charity (Tabitha Foundation) was well represented.
Marianne died peacefully at home at 11:05 AM on Oct. 29, 2005, after a long and courageous fight with cancer.
Click here to view her
She has asked me, her husband (Larry Neily) to pass along this message to her friends:
Marianne, like Christ, loved her friends. She took joy in their triumphs and was saddened when they suffered. She often said that her friends were the most important thing in her life.
I know that your friendships gave her much joy.
New material added January 2009
To contact Marianne's estate, e-mail:
League of Canadian Poets
of Toronto Poetry Site